

Friday, April 10, 2015


How is this 3 letter word the cause of so much love and destruction ?? A million lifes come to an end just because someone believes this 3 letter word differently ? As far as I think this word was created by human kind to have someone to believe in but, through ages, through civilisations which existed or exist on the face of earth fully changed the meaning of this word. Now enough of boring information lets take example of day to day life condition many of us come across, lets take my example- On a rainy day I came back from school and went to my foundation course institution for a maths class. As it was raining I kept the my bag far from the window so it doesn't gets wet and kept it  near my foot. Most of the students near me started staring me and told me that I shouldn't touch my bag with my foot. I was like why the hell does it matter?? They replied that there is Goddess Sarastwati (Hindu Goddess of knowledge) in it. I replied "See there is god every where around us like in trees, then why does everybody cut it?" This is what made them silent. This is what happens when people of different believes / religions argue which later ends up with bloody massacres and wars. Lets take a example of a war which created a dent in our human history "The world war 2" Hitler said that the Jews killed Jesus so, lets hate them and after hearing this I'm like " Hey man! din't Jesus also said to forgive as many people as possible." All I mean to say is that stop all your busy and important jobs and sit and think carefully about it!! Does differentiation of believes change who we are ? All of us are human at the last. We are the sons and daughters of mother earth. Rather than fighting with each other lets help each other, lets make our differentiations of believes / religions unite us rather than tearing us apart. Lets be the change we want see in in the world !!            

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