

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Quite often we come across people who are difficult to deal with, what I think is everyone is different in there own ways. Some people understand things faster than others. God has given everyone different personalities. Like we come across taxi drivers many times. Lets now take them for an example, they almost work for 12 hours daily. Once I met a taxi driver he drove me to my destination after I took out my luggage. He came and told how much money . I have to pay I paid him and he went without speaking anything, it left me startled. I thought what a careless person he is, didn't thank me or even counted the balance . After sometime I met an taxi driver who was very friendly he chatted with me and my family on the trip and asked me a question "you are in 9th class right ?" I replied "yes" he then asked me question which blew my mind! He asked "How many times will 9 come when we count from 1 to 100?" I felt ashamed that a taxi driver asked me such an easy question and I couldn't answer. By this incident we can say they are many kinds of people in this world. Some are rough and some are polite but we should always deal with them because this ain't their fault that God has made them like that.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Do we make mistakes ?

We all make mistakes in our lives. We should try to learn something from it, not regret about it. If we try to learn from our mistakes we can be a completely different person. Mistakes teach us many things. It helps us to learn who we truly are. It gives a second chance to change  the faults in us. Mistakes may result in failure but we can get success after failure if we are truly passionate about our respective works. Taking the example of the known scientists, they failed many times during their inventions but at last they succeeded and invented something new. They were possible to do so because they had set their mind that they'll do it no matter what happens. We shouldn't be discouraged because of our mistakes and failures. Mistakes teach us some valuable life lessons. It gives us a reason to be happy if we forgot the regret. “Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it’s a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.” A quote by ~ Al Franken. One of the greatest thing that we learn from mistakes is "forgiveness". You are a good human being if u forgive people. Anoter quote-The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that that situation is over, you cannot move forward.” ~ Steve Maraboli. So what ever your mistakes are, whatever your failures are forget the regret and let it go because every cloud has a silver lining.  

Friday, April 10, 2015


How is this 3 letter word the cause of so much love and destruction ?? A million lifes come to an end just because someone believes this 3 letter word differently ? As far as I think this word was created by human kind to have someone to believe in but, through ages, through civilisations which existed or exist on the face of earth fully changed the meaning of this word. Now enough of boring information lets take example of day to day life condition many of us come across, lets take my example- On a rainy day I came back from school and went to my foundation course institution for a maths class. As it was raining I kept the my bag far from the window so it doesn't gets wet and kept it  near my foot. Most of the students near me started staring me and told me that I shouldn't touch my bag with my foot. I was like why the hell does it matter?? They replied that there is Goddess Sarastwati (Hindu Goddess of knowledge) in it. I replied "See there is god every where around us like in trees, then why does everybody cut it?" This is what made them silent. This is what happens when people of different believes / religions argue which later ends up with bloody massacres and wars. Lets take a example of a war which created a dent in our human history "The world war 2" Hitler said that the Jews killed Jesus so, lets hate them and after hearing this I'm like " Hey man! din't Jesus also said to forgive as many people as possible." All I mean to say is that stop all your busy and important jobs and sit and think carefully about it!! Does differentiation of believes change who we are ? All of us are human at the last. We are the sons and daughters of mother earth. Rather than fighting with each other lets help each other, lets make our differentiations of believes / religions unite us rather than tearing us apart. Lets be the change we want see in in the world !!            

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Clean ?

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Wait... do we seriously mean it ? When do we clean our surrounding? Simply, when we have some occasion, but why?? Recently our Prime minister launched "The Swaach Bharat Abhiyan". Suddenly all our surroundings were cleaned from footpaths to railway stations every thing around us was absolute neat and tidy. Did this last forever? No ! nothing lasts forever. Soon within a month all the footpaths were filled with rotting garbage. When I go to the near by general store,the footpaths are filled with garbage and some roadside shops and where we have foot paths the shops near extend their shops by putting  some stalls or chairs. I mean how in the world can you capture a public place which is used by everyone?  but cleanliness is not just about cleanliness around us its also about how it effects our ecosystem. The holy Ganges which is considered to be able clean any impurity and sin is now not less than a fitly sewer. If a person travels form the past to today he'll be shocked to see the condition of our environment.  Lets not say that we will keep our environment clean!! Lets do something for our future generations to come !!! LETS BE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE !!